Children fall. Bumps and bruises are simply a part of the childhood experience. However, especially for young athletes, some types of falls and hits can cause a serious condition: a concussion. Concussions aren’t a newly identified condition; we’ve all heard about them for years and years. However, in more recent years, the medical community has […]

No one likes to think about the possibility of a disaster striking their home or community, but the reality is that it could happen.  Families can minimize the fear and uncertainty and increase the chances that each family member remains safe by developing a family emergency response plan. There are three important questions to consider […]

Four out of five sudden cardiac arrests happen at home, according to the American Heart Association. With nearly 383,000 sudden cardiac arrests happening outside of a hospital each year, that’s a scary statistic. What’s even worse is that nearly 70% of American bystanders feel helpless in the event of a cardiac arrest emergency because they […]