BLS Instructor Course

Course description

The purpose of the American Red cross Basic Life Support Instructor course is to provide the learner with the tools and resources needed to ensure that individuals with a duty to respond (public safety professionals and healthcare providers) have the requisite knowledge and skills to do so. As an instructor, the course emphasis should be on providing high-quality care integrating psychomotor skills with the skills of critical thinking and problem solving to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.

Intended Audience for this course:

  • Individuals certified in BLS with a history of teaching health related topics to include CPR/AED/First Aid
  • Individuals who would like the ability to instruct a variety of courses. The BLS Instructor Certification opens up bridging possibilities into other courses (CPR/AED/First Aid/etc.)

Who typically takes a BLS provider course:

  • Public safety personnel, such as first responders (law enforcement officers and firefighters), emergency medical responders (eMRs), emergency medical technicians (eMts), advanced eMts (AeMts) and paramedics
  • Medical personnel, such as pharmacists, nurses, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, dentists and students entering the field
  • Members of emergency response teams, such as athletic trainers, corporate response teams, security personnel and ski patrollers .

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Tools to be successful

What To Bring:

  • Printed certification of completion for the online content
  • A CPR Pro Rescuer Mask (We have them available for purchase onsite for $20)

Course Resources:

Course Manual: Basic Life Support Participant Manual

Certificate Issued:

American Red Cross Basic Life Support Instructor


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